What is Acupuncture?Acupuncture works on many levels, from a Modern Western Medical biomechanical perspective Acupuncture is a foreign object in the body and causes a reaction from the immune system, the areas is flooded with red and white blood cells and eventually endorphins, this combination allows muscle tension to relax. Neurological studies have showed that acupuncture lights up different areas of the brain which is hypothesised why it has a relaxing affect on the nervous system and is possibly giving the body the opportunity to "rewire" old pain and addiction pathways.
Acupuncture is a mostly pain free treatment as the needles very fine approximately 10-15 smaller than a doctors hypodermic needle. Acupuncture is famous for achieving fast results in most musculo-skeletal related conditions such as lower back, neck and knee pain. However Acupuncture can also be effective in assisting other conditions such as: Hayfever, Headaches and Nausea,